Who are we?

We are a software development company that specializes in online marketplaces. We are a team of talented developers, analytics and marketplace specialists who are passionate about modern technology.

We are dedicated to providing the best solutions for our clients, and ultimately, help them make more money.

"Our goal is to create novel applications and tools to help sellers on online marketplaces like but not limited to Amazon to make informed business decisions and increase their profits."
Who We Are icon

Who we are

We are a dynamic team of e-commerce specialists, data analysts and software engineers. We strive to provide impactful solutions for FBM resellers on platforms like Amazon. We understand the challenges that come with navigating the dynamic world of online marketplaces. That's why we've crafted powerful software applications that integrate seamlessly with your marketplace, providing a comprehensive overview of your online business.

What We Do icon

What we do

Wecker specializes in developing cutting-edge software applications for Amazon sellers. Our applications are designed to address the specific pain points and challenges that sellers face on these platforms. Our software collects and analyzes sales and maketplace data and it provides a complete overview of your online business and mitigates uncertainties about item profitability, fees and costs related to returned items.

Why WECKER icon

Why us

  • Precision at Your Fingertips: Our applications work with real Marketplace data, providing you with insights into the status of your online business.
  • Dedicated Support: We work tirelessly to provide our Clients 7/365 support to solve the issues they face and continuously improve our features.
  • Industry Expertise: Founded by e-commerce specialists, data analysts and software engineers

Company info

Company and contact information

Company information:

CID: 14222493
Case number C 362278/MSPH
Municipal Court in Prague


Husitská 107/3
130 00 Praha


Contact our support team. We are happy to help.


Call us:

Call us to speak to a member of our team. We are always happy to help.

+420 602 465 040